Sunday 6 March 2011

Carbon Neutral

Informationt taken from:

About Us:

''The CarbonNeutral Company is a world leading provider of carbon reduction solutions.

Our mission is to be the trusted partner to companies committed to reducing their carbon footprint with solutions that strengthen their business.
More than a decade's experience helping clients reduce their carbon emissions, our comprehensive knowledge of the carbon markets and a guarantee of excellence through our quality assurance programme, combine to make The CarbonNeutral Company one of the world's leading carbon reduction companies.
Since 1997 we have focused on helping businesses achieve value from reducing their carbon emissions and providing a guarantee of excellence through our quality assurance programme. 
Corporate Information:
Since we began in 1997 we have pioneered the carbon offset industry, realising the importance of offsets in helping businesses reduce their carbon emissions and ensuring the programmes we develop for our clients have credibility and integrity.

We have contracted more than four million tonnes of carbon from 300 projects on six continents and this comprehensive knowledge of the carbon market, combined with our commitment to understanding our clients' needs, has made us a world-leading provider of carbon reduction solutions.

Measure your Carbon Emissions:

A meaningful carbon footprint reduction plan which helps you meet your business objectives, first requires a thorough understanding of your current situation.
After measuring carbon emissions and setting a baseline, it is then possible to establish a reduction target and the most cost-effective, immediate way of achieving that. The CarbonNeutral Company provides carbon assessments which ensure you are correctly reporting and measuring the essential carbon emissions. We also provide a range of online carbon calculators to enable you to engage staff and clients around their carbon footprint.

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